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Who Are You Raising Up?

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


1 Kings 19:19a

So Elijah went from there and found Elisha son of Shaphat.


This is a very revealing passage of scripture. Elijah had just called down fire on the prophets of Baal and had them killed. Ahab, the King of Israel, went and told his wife Jezebel what Elijah had done. Jezebel swore she would kill Elijah. When Elijah heard this, he was so scared he ran for his life and hid in a cave. God came to him and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” (vs. 9). Elijah told the Lord he was the only one left in Israel who feared the Lord (vs.14). God told him that He had 7,000 folks who had not bowed a knee to Baal. Immediately, Elijah knew he needed help. He found Elisha, and Elisha left what he was doing to be mentored by Elijah, the prophet.


Every time I read this passage, I hear the Lord say, “Who Are You Raising Up?” This walk with Jesus is always about reproducing the life of Christ in others, so when you leave this planet, there is someone to take your place for Jesus. The thing that scared Elijah in this passage, I believe, was not so much Ahab or Jezebel. I believe it was that he had to run from the opposition for the first time in his life. When a man or woman starts running from the challenges they face, they had better ask themselves, “Who Have I Raised Up?” This fight is long and filled with unusual and surprising INCOMINGS from every direction. Every believer must be reproducing the life of Christ in others they meet and disciple. “Who Are You Raising Up?”


Dear Jesus,

In this Christian walk, we never have to dry up and die. We can reproduce Your life in others up until the day we see Your face. I pray this AM that You would keep my friend who reads this post working to bring people to Jesus. No matter how young or old we are, we can always raise someone else up. Amen

The post Who Are You Raising Up? appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.