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When You Just Can’t Believe It!

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Psalm 55:12,13

If an enemy were insulting me, I could endure it; if a foe were rising against me, I could hide. But it is you, a man like myself, my companion, my close friend.


Part of this chapter of Psalms, King David speaks of his close friend and advisor, Ahithophel. This man was one of David’s most trusted counselors. Whenever there was a troubling issue to be decided upon, King David would seek wisdom from Ahithophel. But David’s son Absolom had conspired against his father and forced his father from Jerusalem. When he did, he sat upon his father’s throne, and instead of Ahithophel fleeing Jerusalem with the king, he stayed with the rebel son.


Remember now, David was one of Jesus’ forefathers. I remind you of that because David had his Ahithophel and Jesus had his Judas. The difference between the two relatives is that Jesus knew that Judas would betray him, but David was shocked and remorseful when he learned that Ahithophel had betrayed him. Here David was running for his very life from the son he loved and his best counselor had betrayed him. Years ago, I had what I thought was a friend betray me to the point that I wondered if I could keep going. A couple of nights later, the Lord directed me to this passage of Psalms 55. It sounded a lot like my situation, and so I kept reading. Here’s what David said and what I learned that night. “When You Just Can’t Believe It,” keep reading to verse 22 and remember that God is on your side! He will NEVER let the righteous fall. I kept going, and so will you!


Dear Jesus,

I remember the night I read this chapter over 35 years ago. I never thought I could make it, but that night I tied a knot at the end of the rope, and with your help, I held on and pulled myself up from the bottom. Help my friend this AM do the same. Amen

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