S. O. A. P.
Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!
Genesis 26:34-35
When Esau was forty years old, he married Judith daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and also Basemath daughter of Elon the Hittite. 35 They were a source of grief to Isaac and Rebekah.
Esau was the eldest of Isaac and Rebecca’s twins. He sold his birthright to his brother Jacob for a bowl of soup. Once that happened, Esau began to lower in stature in his parents’ eyes. Here we see that he did not marry within his family of origin but stepped outside to marry foreign girls. His marriage connection took him far from his family for many years. They probably didn’t say it this way, but if this story were happening today, Isaac and Rebecca would probably tell Esau, “Watch Out Who You Connect With.”
I’m pretty sure I’ve said it before in this devotional somewhere, but when my boys were young, their mother would encourage them not to date “Philistine Girls!” I agreed with her but probably wouldn’t have said it that way. By that, she meant don’t date or marry a girl outside of your Christian faith. She knew that marriage was difficult enough without fighting over spiritual beliefs. Fortunately, my sons all married wonderful ladies of the same faith. But it does raise the question. Does faith matter in your connections? My answer is a resounding YES! The same faith gives a basic, agreed-upon foundation that helps all decisions be rooted in the same belief system. So make sure, whatever you do, to “Watch Out Who You Connect With.”
Dear Jesus,
This AM, I’m still thinking of my anniversary several days back. I’m so grateful that you gave me a wife who shares my faith. We have different interpretations of select scriptures and even some doctrines, but our faith is fundamentally sound. It helped us raise a family of faith. Amen
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