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There’s Nobody Bigger Than Our God!

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Ezekiel 29:2

Son of man, set your face against Pharaoh king of Egypt and prophesy against him and against all Egypt.


This Pharaoh is not the Pharaoh you automatically think of when you hear the title. No! This is a much different time in history. The people of Judah were being punished for their sins against God, and Nebuchadnezzar was the ruler of almost everything. Yet for some 25 years, this Pharaoh, known as Hophra, had so elevated himself as though he were a god that God said to Ezekiel, “Tell everyone I’m going to bring him down.” And that’s exactly what happened. Pharaoh tried to intervene as being the answer to Israel’s woes, and Nebuchadnezzar killed him.


When I read this story, I’m always made aware of the fact that “There’s Nobody Bigger Than Our God.” The second thing I hear the Lord say is, “Rich, never try to be someone else’s hero!” In other words, my God is always the answer to anyone’s situation. He’s always the miracle worker. He’s always the way when there seems to be no way. He’s always the hub in the middle of the wheel. He’s always the answer. He’s always the provider. He’s always the healer. He’s always the deliverer. Why then would I in any way try to pull a Pharaoh Hophra on someone? NO! Never! I’m no one’s answer! He’s the answer. If you and I will always point friends and acquaintances to Jesus, we’ll ALWAYS be pointing them to hope. Because “There’s Nobody Bigger Than Our God!”


Dear Jesus,

This AM, as I seek your face, I am reminded that “There Is Nobody Bigger Than My God!” I am in awe of You. I’m always standing in Your presence, amazed at Your glory, grace, and mercy in my life and the lives of those around me! I am Your servant. Amen

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