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The Wear And Tear Of Leadership

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


2 Samuel 21:15

Once again there was a battle between the Philistines and Israel. David went down with his men to fight against the Philistines, and he became exhausted.


David was up in years, and yet he still insisted on fighting with his men. This was the very first time there appeared to be a weakening in King David’s physical body. He was the leader of Israel. He had covered the full gamut of leadership, from winning to losing, from running to standing, from joy to sorrow, from sin to righteous living, from despair to hope, and on it goes. But finally, there came a weakening of the physical body and one of David’s men stepped in to save the day. After this event, the men of Israel told their king he would never again go into battle with them in case the light might go out in Israel.


This story is simply an illustration of “The Wear And Tear Of Leadership.” Unlike a third or fourth or tenth king in a succession of kings kind of leadership role in a country led by a Sovereign, David was the founder of the family of King David. He was a LEADER in every sense of the word. Never did he sit and manage something that someone else had passed down to him. No! He was a conquering leader, a man of action, and a lover of God. Yet to each of us will one day come “The Wear And Tear Of Leadership.” If you’ve been blessed with a true leader, tell them before it’s too late how much you love and appreciate them.


Dear Jesus,

Thank You for always giving me the opportunity to tell my leaders how much they mean to me before it was too late. Lord, I pray that You would help me always reach out to those I need to say thank you to. Amen

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