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The People Of God Want To Give

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


2 Chronicles 24:10

All the officials and all the people brought their contributions gladly, dropping them into the chest until it was full.


When the young boy, Joash, became king of Judah, he desired to restore the temple which had deteriorated under the rule of the ungodly kings who preceded him. He directed the priests to collect money from the people to restore the temple. They failed to do so. Consequently, Joash commissioned a big box to be constructed for the people to drop their free will offerings so that the temple could be restored. Regularly, the box was filled and brought in to be banked. The people gladly gave until the funds were raised and the temple was repaired.


Here’s what I’ve learned through the years: “The People of God Want To Give.” You will always have people complain that all the church does is ask for money. But those are the ones who do not give. Or when they do, they do it begrudgingly. They live in a perpetual state of guilt because they know that the few times they pray, it’s for God to give them something, but then when it’s time for them to give, they are offended that God would ask of them. Some of the greatest times in the church that I pastor here in Miami are the times we invite the people to GIVE. When they do, there is always joy in the camp. You may be asking, “Why is this?” I say it’s because “The People Of God Want To Give!”


Dear Jesus,

Thank you for trusting Your people to fund the work of God locally and beyond during our watch! I mean that with all of my heart because I, along with Your people, want to give! Amen

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