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The Long Arm Of The Lord

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Numbers 11:23

The Lord answered Moses, “Is the Lord’s arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you.”


The Israelites had pulled up stakes and were leaving Sinai. At the onset of their journey, they began to complain of no meat to eat. Their complaining was so overwhelming to Moses that he went to the Lord and said, “I can’t take it! If this is the way it’s going to be, kill me. But if I have found favor in your sight, please HELP ME!” God said to Moses, “Is my arm too short? Now you will see whether or not I will supply your need.” From that point on, every morning of their wilderness journey, God brought low-flying quail for the people to pluck from the sky. Until they reached their home in Canaan, God’s supply of fresh protein never ceased! It happened because of “The Long Arm Of The Lord.”


Have you ever been so discouraged that you said, “Lord, I can’t take it anymore! If you’re not going to help me, then kill me.” I can say if I haven’t said that before, I’ve come mighty close. Why? Because from time to time, all of us find ourselves in such a tough patch of living that we can’t see a way out. Always God has come through for me. I’ve never felt he had a “Short Arm” because the Lord’s continual supply of my every need has only spoken of “The Long Arm Of The Lord.” No matter what you are facing today, my friend, our God has never been known to have a “Short Arm” He couldn’t reach to our needs. If we’re honest, we have only served a God who has always shown us “The Long Arm Of The Lord!”


Dear Jesus,

I’m so thankful this AM that I don’t serve a god whose arm is too short to reach me and whose ears are too deaf to hear me. No! I serve the only true and wise God who has never lost a battle. When I pray, You hear my prayer. When I’m in need, your “Long Arm” reaches all the way to my need! Amen

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