This weekend we celebrate 20 years of ministry with you, our wonderful Trinity family. Around this time during each of those 20 years, I have shared my vision for the church with you.
Vision is essential to a church. It is dynamic and changes with the needs the church serves. This means the vision must be renewed and adjusted to remain relevant to what the community needs.
The concept of vision is not something I’ve created. In fact it can be found throughout Scripture:
- God shares His vision for Abraham in Genesis 12:1–3 (the Abrahamic covenant).
- God communicates His vision for His people through Moses in Exodus 3:7–8 and Deuteronomy 8:7–10.
- The “joy” Jesus looks forward to while enduring the cross is the vision of His return to His Father’s side in heaven (Heb. 12:2).
The vision I share this Sunday is OUR vision. It is what our church, Trinity Church, will work to accomplish in the coming years. We need each other if we are going to create significant change for Jesus!
Our shared vision helps us create energy! In Nehemiah’s day the people had no vision. Jerusalem was in ruins, and not a single person was doing anything about it (Neh. 1: 3). Then Nehemiah received a vision from God. Soon the people were rebuilding the gates and walls of the city!
Our shared vision gives us a united purpose! It gives the Trinity Family meaning, and shows the Divine purpose in our work. We are truly part of something great! God is working through us. He is right here, right now, touching lives in Miami.
Our shared vision leads to excellence! God wants His church to serve on His behalf. Whatever you and I do for Jesus must be done well! God has always required that His people give their best to Him (Lev. 22:20–22). Paul explains how God calls us to put forth our best efforts (Eph. 6:5–8; Col. 3:23–24).
So as you come this Sunday, bring your BEST. Be ready to step out in faith to answer God’s call and to fulfill His vision!