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Trinity Church
P.O.Box 680820 Miami, FL 33168
Ph: 786.888.4673

Pentecost Offering Pledge

In the Old Testament, the people of Israel all gathered three times a year out of obedience to God. By gathered, I don’t mean they went to their local place of worship. They traveled to Jerusalem, to the Temple, to sit and wait on the presence of the Lord.

As they traveled to Jerusalem, they obeyed the mandate that “No one should appear before the Lord empty-handed: Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord your God has blessed you” (Deut. 16:16–17).

A gift in proportion to the way the Lord had blessed them.

How has the Lord blessed you this year, friend? Can you measure the value of those blessings? We have been blessed with strong, God-loving sons and daughters-in-love. We revel in the blessings that are our wonderful, delightful granddarlings. We are blessed by supportive, fulfilling relationships, a call to serve the Lord with all of our hearts, and the opportunity to serve a church family we adore.

We honestly couldn’t put a price on those blessings. Every Pentecost, we set aside time to go before the Lord and ask what He would have us give for our offering. And then we prepare for our Pentecost!

Our services are a little different now. We are watching and worshiping from our homes. But there is still so much to do to get ready for Pentecost! We are working hard to serve you and make this Pentecost the most fulfilling yet!

Imagine this: instead of rushing around and getting ready to go to a special service at church, the people of Israel had to leave their homes and jobs, pack up the family, their provisions, and their offering, and walk from wherever they were to Jerusalem. They walked, sometimes for days, to sit in the presence of the Lord.

The journey was always dusty and uncomfortable because of the numbers of people traveling. The weather would have blisteringly hot or freezing cold, depending on the feast, and I’m sure many of the people would have preferred to stay comfortably at home and celebrate the feasts there. But they didn’t. They obeyed.

They went to Jerusalem for each feast to worship God. And each obeyed God’s command not to appear empty-handed, but to come into His presence with gifts that would HONOR Him.

In the New Testament, Jesus directly honored the importance of Pentecost when He sent the Holy Spirit to those gathered in the Upper Room on that day! When Jesus gave us the laws of His kingdom, He reestablished the law of giving. Friend, we are still bound by this command today. You and I are called to give this special offering, of our own free will, to HONOR God!

This is not a one-way gift. In return for our obedience, God has promised us 5 VICTORIES belong to believers that give a Pentecost Offering:

1. God will break the debt currently hanging over your life – Leviticus 25:25-28
2. God will save and restore your whole family together in the Lord – Leviticus 25:39-42
3. God will reveal Himself to you in a new way – Exodus 34:29
4. There will be a redistribution of wealth – Leviticus 23:22
5. You will have power over weakness – Acts 1:8

Don’t ignore the importance of HONORING God by giving a special offering of your own free will as we celebrate Jesus’ gifts to us this Pentecost. Jesus intends this as a time of BLESSING! Giving has always been tied to God’s financial blessings. Jesus, the highest authority in heaven and earth, tells us:

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (Luke 6:38).The greatest thing each of us can do for ourselves and our loved ones is to obey these words!

We also want to bless you this Pentecost. We’ve prepared a special series of videos, interviews, and Bible Studies to help you delve into the Power of the Holy Spirit and what Pentecost means to you.

We also want to stand with you on your daily walk with Jesus. Enclosed, you will find a copy of our The Word for You Today devotional. We hope it will bless you each day as you do your devotions and lift your spirit!

We love you and we are praying for you!
– Dr. Rich and Dr. Robyn