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Pentecost Promises

As we prepare to commemorate the inspiring events of Pentecost, we’re reminded of the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. This Pentecost, I invite you to participate in a special tradition that embodies the spirit of generosity and compassion — our Pentecost offering.

Before we delve into the details of this year’s offering, allow me to share a heartfelt story:

by Dr. Robyn Wilkerson

It was 1965 in Long Beach, California when I was about 12 years old and my dad had invited a lady evangelist to preach in his pulpit.  It was a surprise to have a woman teaching and preaching at our church.  Her name was Gladys Pearson and she had a very compelling message.  

When she described the Holy Spirit and how I could receive power from God to be the person God designed me to become, I was the first person to answer her invitation and move from my chair to walk to the front of the Church.  I remember the hot pink summer dress I was wearing and the shiny white patent leather shoes.  As Ms. Pearson ministered, I stood directly in front of her as she preached from the platform above me.   

She urged the entire congregation, along with those standing at the front with me, to raise our hands high in the air and pray out loud.  She pressed us to begin to speak whatever words came to our minds. I remember thinking to myself how foolish this was, but I wanted to experience what she was describing. In childlike faith, I stepped out and obeyed what she said to do.  I raised my hands high in the air and began to pray earnestly out loud and with intense sincerity.  

Tears started to flow down my face, but I was overcome with happiness!  As I continued to pray, I was overwhelmed with an amazing sense of joy and love.  I became immersed in prayer and speaking out loud in a language I had never heard before.  When I came to the end of this amazing experience, I opened my eyes and was shocked!  Seated together in the front row, my Dad and my Mom were quietly waiting for me to determine when I was finished praying.

I couldn’t believe it. The lights were turned off.  Hundreds of people had left, and I had never noticed. The place was totally quiet.  The Sunday morning worship service had ended at noon with the altar service, but when I looked around — with the exception of my parents — the auditorium was empty.  It was almost 4pm and I felt like I had only been praying a few minutes!  I had never heard or noticed my surroundings for hours.  I had never moved.  I had never sat down.  As a sixth-grade girl, I had stood praying with hands raised for hours.  I had been “swept away” in worship and praise. 

It was SHOCKING to me.  It was WONDERFUL. 

What had happened?  I had received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. It was a life-changing experience! From those moments until now, I’ve always carried a profound sense of purpose and a “God awareness” in my life. That sense of calling has overshadowed every decision I’ve made ever since.

The Holy Spirit is a major figure in Scripture, and we clearly see the power of the Spirit in the story of Pentecost. That same power is available to each of us.

One decision I make is to follow the commands of God as carefully as I can.  The people of Israel made the decision to be obedient to God’s commands each year regarding the pilgrimage feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.

These feasts were times when the people of Israel were to appear in Jerusalem to meet with God. The Hebrew Bible calls these feasts mo’edim, which means special “appointed times.” 

The people gathered three times a year out of obedience, and they obeyed the mandate that “No one should appear before the Lord empty-handed: Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord your God has blessed you” (Deut. 16:16–17).

For each feast, they had to leave their homes and jobs, pack up the family, their provisions, and their offering, and walk from wherever they were to Jerusalem. The journey was always dusty and uncomfortable because of the numbers of people traveling, and I’m sure many of the people would have preferred to stay comfortably at home and celebrate the feasts there. But they didn’t.

They went to Jerusalem for each feast to worship God. And each obeyed God’s command not to appear empty-handed, but to come into His presence with gifts that would HONOR Him. 

In the New Testament, Jesus directly honored the importance of Pentecost when He sent the Holy Spirit to those gathered in the Upper Room on that day! When Jesus gave us the laws of His kingdom, He reestablished the law of giving.  

Friend, we are still bound by this command today. You and I are called to give this special offering, of our own free will, to HONOR God! 

5 VICTORIES belong to believers who give a Pentecost Offering:

1. God will break the debt currently hanging over your life (Lev. 25:25-28).
2. God will save and restore your whole family together in the Lord (Lev. 25:39-42).
3. God will reveal Himself to you in a new way (Exod. 34:29).
4. There will be a redistribution of wealth (Lev. 23:22).
5. You will have power over weakness (Acts 1:8).

Don’t ignore the importance of HONORING God by giving a special offering of your own free will as we celebrate Jesus’ gifts to us. Jesus intends this as a time of BLESSING! Giving has always been tied to God’s financial blessings. Jesus, the highest authority in heaven and earth, tells us:

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (Luke 6:38). 

The greatest thing each of us can do for ourselves, and our loved ones, is to obey these words!

This Pentecost, we have the opportunity to embody the same spirit of selflessness and compassion demonstrated by the early believers. Together, let’s make a meaningful impact by extending our hands in generosity and love.

Pastor Rich and I extend our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and commitment to our church family. Your contributions enable us to fulfill our mission and ministry in profound ways.

May the spirit of Pentecost inspire and guide us as we journey together in faith.


With gratitude and blessings,

Pastor Rich & Dr. Robyn Wilkerson

If you prefer to submit your offering now, you can do that here: