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No! Nothing Is Too Hard For The Lord

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Jeremiah 32:27

“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?”


Sometimes things need to get worse before they can get better. I say that because the prophecies of Jeremiah foretelling the soon destruction of the land by the Babylonians were not being received because of the “good time” prophecies, like the prophecies of Hananiah, the lying prophet. That’s why, in this passage, God lets them know that Jeremiah’s prophecies will come to pass. Then He asked the question, “Is anything too hard for me?”


First, let me answer the question the Lord has posed to all of us in this scripture and say, “No! Nothing Is Too Hard For The Lord.” But instead of me talking about all of the things our God could destroy, let’s talk about what He’s done for you and me. Our God has, at different times in our lives, saved us from certain destruction and death. For example, our God has provided for us both when we were so low that the idea of making rent was unheard of. Do you remember when you were sick, and the doctor said, “It looks really bad,” but nothing came of it, and God healed the situation? Or what about the time our family was at the bottom, and it wasn’t for sure that we’d come out of it, but we did? When we were out of gas on the side of the freeway or broke down in the middle of nowhere? I can remember all those times; however, look at us!! We’re still going by the Grace of God! So one more time, just to set the record straight! “No! Nothing Is Too Hard For The Lord.”


Dear Jesus,

Good morning, Lord! I am so blessed to serve You, the only true and wise God. I’m so grateful that there is nothing that I will face today that is greater than You! Indeed, “Nothing Is Too Hard For You!” Amen

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