S. O. A. P.
Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!
2 Kings 8:6
The king asked the woman about it, and she told him. Then he assigned an official to her case and said to him, “Give back everything that belonged to her, including all the income from her land from the day she left the country until now.”
Elisha had brought the Shunamite’s son back to life by way of a miracle and when he did, Elisha told her that a seven-year drought was coming to the land and that she should move into Philistine territory during the drought until it was over. She obeyed the prophet, and it all happened as he had said. One day Gehazi, Elisha’s associate, was talking to the king and telling him about all of the miracles Elisha had wrought by the power of God. He even told him about the Shunamite woman and that she had left her property during the drought because Elisha had told her to. At that moment, the woman walked up to Gehazi and the king. The king asked her to tell him the story, and when she was finished, the king told his associate to give the woman back all of her property plus the income she would have earned from it for the past seven years! The king did this because he was impressed with Elisha, and he also did it, “Just Because He Could.”
This is a grand story that could be turned into a short movie. When it comes to everyday life, there are so many things you and I can do to help others. Giving a friend a ride who has no car, is a simple example. Taking a prepared dinner to a single mom who just got out of the hospital, would be a blessing to her and her family. Assisting an elderly friend would fill a huge gap in that person’s life. Doing some free babysitting for a young family would give the mom and dad a night out. I could go for quite a while with ideas, but the truth is there is so much more we could do if we would move beyond our own personal feelings of “I could never do that!” Obviously, we limit ourselves by saying that. Instead of us limiting ourselves, let’s break out of our own confessed limitations and do for others. “Just Because We Can!”
Dear Jesus,
I’ve become weary of making excuses as to why I can’t help. Lord, I need YOUR HELP this AM to turn my own thinking around from “I Can’t” to “I Can!” Just because YOU CAN! Amen
The post Just Because We Can appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.