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Jesus Does All Things Well!

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Mark 7:37

People were overwhelmed with amazement. “He has done everything well,” they said. “He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”


This passage is a human mandate on the life of Jesus here on earth. After He had healed a deaf and mute man and given him his hearing and speech, the view of the people was, “Jesus Does All Things Well!”


When I say this was the human view of the people of that day, I mean this was the common person’s view. Remember, it was religion and those who promoted religion that killed Jesus. But the everyday person who followed Christ and His teaching and His miracles had the view, “Jesus Does All Things Well!” This was before any purveyors of “The Law” had a chance to pick every small detail of how Jesus had done something wrong according to their perspective apart. Those religious leaders were always finding fault with Jesus because they all had something to lose if the people followed Jesus instead of them. Yes, I have a little Bible education. Yes, I’ve been in the work of the Lord for quite a while now. Yes, I love the Lord. However, I never want to be that guy who finds something to complain about when it comes to Jesus or my faith or the Holy Scripture. No! I’m the one who joins the common man and woman saying, “Jesus Does All Things Well!”


Dear Jesus,

I am so blessed to be a follower of the GOD who does all things well. I know there are times when, in my little worldview, I have something happen that causes me to question. But it is in those times that I wait until I see the big picture, and when I do, it is then that I say, “Jesus Does All Things Well!” Amen


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