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Holy Marriage

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Proverbs 5:15

Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well.


In this chapter, the wise man Solomon warns against the ills of adultery. I know the verbiage is strictly Old Testament sounding. But as much as the translators tried, they are hiding the fact that this is all about sex and staying faithful to the wife or husband of one’s youth. Adultery and any form of wild debauchery have no place in “Holy Marriage.”


Let’s apply this discussion by first stating that GOD WILL FORGIVE ANY MAN OR WOMAN WHO CALLS ON HIS NAME. That being said, adultery breaks the marriage vows and leaves something that can never again be retrieved. That would be the ability to FORGET. Yes, we can forgive and are commanded by God to forgive one another for anything. Yet, nowhere in scripture does God command us to forget our sins or the sins of a partner. Only God is capable of FORGETTING. Here’s the good news. Once forgiveness is given, we all have the chance to put DAYS between sin and the rest of our lives. And YES, once again, we can be a part of a “Holy Marriage.”


Dear Jesus,

How very grateful I am to be a part of a marriage that has been marked by FAITHFULNESS for nearly fifty years. Thank You for giving me a “Holy Marriage.” I pray for my friend who reads this post right now that you would give them the ability to move forward in faithfulness! Amen

The post Holy Marriage appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.