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P.O.Box 680820 Miami, FL 33168
Ph: 786.888.4673

Habit of Underestimating

Humans have developed a very bad habit. That of underestimating our Lord. Most of the time that habit starts because you and I underestimate ourselves and those around us, and that doubt directly reflects how we view God’s ability to work in and through our lives. We aren’t the first to let this happen in our lives. Look at how some of our Bible heroes underestimated themselves and others.
Moses continually underestimated his abilities because he doubted. He felt he couldn’t talk right. God gave him the words he needed to secure the freedom of the people of Israel. He underestimated God when he was told to part the waters with his walking stick. God used that simple walking stick to part the waters of an entire sea so the people could cross to safety.
Samuel underestimated David when God said David was the one who would one day rule Israel. Samuel actually doubted the choice so much he argued that surely God didn’t want David. “He’s too young. He’s just a shepherd boy. He can’t possibly be the ruler You describe.” God did in fact raise young David from shepherd boy to giant slayer, and then on to be a great warrior and king. He saw the potential Samuel couldn’t even imagine.
The disciples underestimated Jesus’ ability to keep them safe through trials. When a storm blows up while they are at sea, they are afraid for their lives. Then they are even more terrified to see Jesus walking across the water toward them, thinking Him to be a ghost. Jesus corrected them when He called out three phrases … tharse?, eg? eimi, m? phobe? … “Be encouraged, I Am, Don’t fear.” He calls them to recognize Him, to not run from Him in fear, then He steps into the boat with them. The storm immediately ceases, the trial is over, their faith is restored. 
What situation are you facing today? Are you underestimating your own abilities to do what God is calling you to do? Are you doubting someone else and God’s ability to raise them above their challenges? Maybe you are struggling through your own storm and your faith is not keeping you on top of the water. Break that habit of underestimating today! Keep Jesus’ words in your heart: tharse?, eg? eimi, m? phobe? … “Be encouraged, I Am, Don’t fear.” Know that through Him, anything is possible.