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Good For Nothing!

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Matthew 16:26

What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?


Jesus spoke to His disciples and asked them, “What good is it if a person gains the whole world but loses their soul?” Then he followed that question with, “What would a person give in exchange for their soul?” In each case, the answer strikes concern in the hearts of the listeners because it reminds us all that this life is being lived in preparation for the next life.


As a pastor who serves a number of people in my community, I’m always in preparation for the message I will deliver each weekend. Often, in the middle of my sermon prep, I’ll almost wake up to the fact that I’m giving these precious people guidelines for eternity. It’s not just about having a good life on this side of heaven. Are they preparing for the other side? Am I giving them what they need? I believe people need a continual awareness that their soul must be ready to meet the Lord. If that isn’t in place, then anything or anyone else they would trade their soul for is “Good For Nothing!”


Dear Jesus,

I’m grateful for the godly upbringing I had growing up. I’m also thankful that You have kept me in the palm of Your hand and loved me so that at the end of the day, my soul and my life are really “Good For Something!” Amen

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