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Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Matthew 9:35

Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.


Early in Jesus’ ministry, Matthew, His disciple, reported that it was Jesus’ custom to GO, TELL, and HEAL everywhere He went. In other words, Jesus went everywhere in those days that He could walk and still be close to home. Everywhere He went, He told people about the good news of the Kingdom. Then He healed people of every disease and sickness they were carrying. His mission here on earth was to GO, TELL, and HEAL.


In the very next chapter of Matthew, Jesus rallied His newly formed disciples together and commissioned them to do the same thing. When we come to faith in Jesus, it’s called being SAVED. But we’re not SAVED to SIT. Everything about loving Jesus is a commitment to action. We weren’t saved to DO, but once saved, we can’t sit. One of the things we were saved from was sitting. The true follower of Jesus is never comfortable sitting on the sidelines. This is a mission that requires all true believers to get in and stay in the game. And what is our mission? The same mission Jesus enacted here on earth and the same mission He commissioned His follows to do. He’s calling us to GO, TELL and HEAL! No more sitting on the sidelines calling plays from our rocking chairs. We are to be in the game making plays. We have the greatest mission on earth. Let’s get to it again today!


Dear Jesus,

Once again, I’m asking you to help me stay in the game and win today. So many people are on the sidelines and inactive. Help me lead with action and love, the way you have taught us all. Amen

The post GO, TELL, and HEAL appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.