You have a purpose, a God-given purpose. And God has given you the gifts you need to fulfill that purpose! Not sure what your purpose is? We’re not put on this earth without guidance, and we are not left to wander around lost. God has given us a manual explaining why He created us, what our lives should look like, what we should absolutely avoid, and what our future holds! Turn to God’s Word. Build your life on eternal truths.
Ready to live your God-given purpose? Ask these five questions, pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance as you answer them, then live your life with purpose!
- What is the center of my life?
Is it yourself or God? Your center determines your strength, and God is your unshakable center! Keep Him there on a daily basis.
- What does the character of my life look like?
What kind of person do you want to be? Do you recognize the fruits of the Spirit in your life and use them for God’s work? Your character is a testimony to others of God’s work in your life!
- What contribution do I want my life to make?
How will you use your spiritual gifts and abilities to make a difference? Are you serving in both the church and the world? We are created to serve others. That is our leadership!
- What does my life say?
God’s purpose in your life gives you a unique voice and message to share. As we are instructed in Philippians 1:27, “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit,[a] striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.”
- Where is my community?
Are you active in fellowship? Are you committed to other Followers of Jesus? Ephesians 5:25 says, “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Can we love our brothers and sisters any less?
Your purpose isn’t shaped by other people or their opinions. Listen for God’s voice. Follow the promptings of the Spirit. And follow the examples Jesus gives us in Scripture. By doing those three things, you will have the answers to the questions you’ve just asked. You will discover your purpose and learn to use your gifts fully for God’s master plan! I am Positive you will!