S. O. A. P.
Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!
Hosea 10:12
Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.
When Hosea spoke of sowing righteousness, he was speaking to the nation of Israel. This word, righteousness, means to sow all the good things you know God would have you sow. When that command is obeyed, what follows is a harvest of God’s unfailing love and grace. For this to happen, Hosea said we literally must be willing to break up all the spiritually hard places in our lives so God can shower us with everything good that he has for us.
Some years ago, Robyn and I went on a cruise together. During that cruise, she said I want you to get a massage. That wasn’t something I was accustomed to. But I can tell you this that guy just about killed me. I said, “Man, why do you have to hurt me like that?” He said, “I’m breaking up places in your muscles that have accumulated some kind of something in them.” (I can’t remember.) He said, “You’ll feel much better tomorrow morning.” You know what, HE WAS RIGHT! I think that’s what was wrong with Israel. They had grown so far from God that spiritually they had accumulated hard places of sin in the camp. Their only hope was to break up those hard places so God could shower them with His great love again. So the lesson this AM is, “Everything Depends On What You Sow!”
Dear Jesus,
I’m always ready to sow the right ingredients to reap Your grace and love in my life. Please keep Your hand upon me again today, I pray. Amen
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