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Confession Is Good For The Soul

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Nehemiah 9:2

Those of Israelite descent had separated themselves from all foreigners. They stood in their places and confessed their sins and the sins of their ancestors.


This is the story of the Israeli people who had returned to Jerusalem over many years from their captivity in Babylon. Towards the end of their return, Ezra the prophet came to lead them back to their faith in God, as many had strayed from the Lord to follow the foreign gods of the Babylonians. Nehemiah then returned to repair the walls around Jerusalem. And when it was complete, Ezra read the Books of the Law. The people wept in sorrow for what they had done. This passage tells us that there came a point when the leaders of the land stood and confessed their sins aloud to God.


If you continue to read this book to the end, you see that after they confessed their sin before the Lord, the people repented and made promises to the Lord concerning what changes they would make. A true Old Testament revival of sorts took place around them. But nothing happened until they CONFESSED their sins to the Lord. Confession precedes repentance. If a person continues to say, “I’ve done nothing wrong,” or they blame their actions on someone else, change will never happen. But when CONFESSION is offered to the Lord, everything that follows can foster real change because “Confession Is Good For The Soul.”


Dear Jesus,

This AM, I want to begin with confession. And I’m not trying to sound spiritual, but most mornings, I can’t think of any known sin I’ve committed. Yet I’m asking You to reveal to me anything that would displease You. I want to make it right. I love You, my God! Amen


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