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Brighter Days Ahead

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Jeremiah 16:15

Jeremiah, the prophet of God, gives a promise to future Israelis. The topic had been pain, sorrow, and punishment for their sins throughout the book, but, if for only a moment, Jeremiah speaks of “Brighter Days Ahead!”


Jeremiah, the prophet of God, gives a promise to future Israelis. The topic had been pain, sorrow, and punishment for their sins throughout the book, but, if for only a moment, Jeremiah speaks of “Brighter Days Ahead!”


When you really think about it, there weren’t many “Brighter Days Ahead” for Israel throughout history until 1948, when it became an independent nation again. Jeremiah writes at the onset of the Babylonian captivity, and after that, the people of Israel were scattered around the world. Then, of course, during Jesus’ time and that of the writers of the New Testament, they were under strict Roman rule. So the Old Testament people of God knew very little of the good times after their Babylonian takeover. So what does it say of us today? I believe it’s a Word to all believers everywhere that no matter how bad your struggle is, “Brighter Days Ahead” are always a part of our faith. Yes, it may be true that the entire world does not agree with us and would like to see our faith fail. But for the most part, several billion worldwide, like you and me, are still believing in “Brighter Days Ahead!”


Dear Jesus,

This AM, as I seek Your face, I’m absolutely resolved in my belief that as Your follower, I am left with only one option concerning the future. I believe the latter days include “Brighter Days Ahead!” Amen

The post Brighter Days Ahead appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.