“You’re LIFE will start to get better when you start believing that you have it better than everyone else.” I know for some this kind of thinking is preposterous, or even worse, arrogant. That’s not the way I see it. Isn’t it better to believe that you have a great life instead of believing you have a lousy life? Isn’t it better to say “Yay Me,” instead of, “Poor Me?” In my heart I know I follow what I believe. If I believe I’ve got it bad, it will be hard for me to get better. I’ll live with a sense of despair. But if I do have it bad, and instead of acknowledging that I begin to speak what I want, then I’ve set a goal for myself. I say, “I’m blessed. I’m a winner. When I fall down, I get back up. When people curse me, I bless them.” Now you’re setting goals for yourself. Now you know when life begins to improve for you, because you can actually measure the improvement. So today, instead of saying “I’ve got it bad,” say “Lord, today I want to thank You that I’ve got it so much better than everyone else. And … it’s all because of YOU!” This goes along with the command in 1 Thessalonians 5:18.