S. O. A. P.
Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!
2 Samuel 10:12
“Be strong, and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what is good in his sight.”
Joab was the leader of King David’s army for the entirety of David’s rule. Yes, he made many mistakes, which he paid for after David died. But during David’s lifetime, he remained faithful to God’s man. Here he responded to David’s command to assemble the troops of Israel for battle against the Ammonites. He told the army to be strong. They were fighting for their people and the cities of their God. Then he said, “The Lord Will Do What Is Good In His Sight!”
When you examine the words of General Joab, you find no fear in his words. The WHY he gives for fighting is so defined that you feel in your heart that the general gave “A Good Approach For Winning.” They were fighting for their people. They were fighting for their people, and they were fighting to keep the cities of their God, Jehovah, intact. Anytime you’re taking territory for the Lord or holding the territory that’s already been taken for the Lord, you have “A Good Approach For Winning.” People become discouraged when they enter a battle of any kind with no way of winning or without the reasons for fighting spelled out. This is true with life in general. When you can spell out the “Why” of what you’re doing, people are willing to join in for a just cause. That’s what is known as “A Good Approach For Winning!” And guess what? They won!
Dear Jesus,
This AM, I’m reminded of my need to give the “Why” of what I’m doing as a leader. I know when people understand the Why there’s always a better chance for victory. Amen
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