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Trinity Church’s PRAY120 Weekly Prayer Gathering presents: “40 Days–the Road to the Cross”

7 Wednesdays: 2/22, 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/5*

12pm-1pm ET

Text Pray120 to 66866 to receive the Zoom link

Come join us on this incredible journey toward the Cross. Our series, “40 Days – The Road to the Cross” takes you on a spiritual adventure as we focus our prayers and meditations. During this time, miracles can happen and powerful shifts in consciousness can be experienced. Through prayer, we open up ourselves to receive spiritual guidance and strength from God.

Every Wednesday from 12pm-1pm, join our virtual gathering of believers as we come together through the power of prayer! Here at Trinity Church, we create an atmosphere of hope and faith that is inviting for all. We strive to provide a space where everyone feels safe and heard, so please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or feedback you have about our PRAY120 weekly prayer gathering.

We look forward to having you join us on this journey. Let us come together and experience the miracles that await us at the Cross! Let’s move forward toward the Cross with love, faith, and joy in our hearts.


* Passover begins April 5

At Trinity Church, we believe in the power of prayer and transformation. Prayer is a powerful tool to draw us closer to God, open our hearts up to miracles, and bring peace into our lives.

As we journey together on this road towards the cross, let us come with open hearts and minds as we give thanks for all that He has done and ask Him for His grace in our lives. Let us set aside an hour every Wednesday to reverence Him in Prayer and connect through fellowship, worship, and testimony. It’s a beautiful experience where you can be encouraged by the testimonies of others who are also walking down the same path with you!

In preparation for the Easter Passover season, we are commemorating Jesus‘ ONE PURPOSE.  The Bible says “… he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem.” Luke 9:51.  Jesus knew His purpose on earth and He determined He would FULFILL his mission.  He made up His mind, that His PURPOSE was His ASSIGNMENT for His greatest destiny.   His purpose gave Him power!

Historically, Christians have honored Christ’s sacrificial journey to the Cross through a season of solemn personal observance commemorating the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the desert and enduring temptation by Satan, according to the Gospels. It’s a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord’s MIRACLE Resurrection at Easter.

Why 40 days?  The number 40 has many Biblical references:

  • Moses spent 40 days on Mount Sinai with God
  • Elijah spent 40 days and nights walking to Mount Horeb
  • God sent 40 days and nights of rain in the great flood of Noah
  • The Hebrew people wandered for 40 years in the desert while traveling to the Promised Land
  • Jonah’s prophecy of judgment gave 40 days to the city of Nineveh in which to repent or be destroyed
  • Jesus retreated into the wilderness, where He fasted for 40 days, and was tempted by the devil. He overcame all three of Satan’s temptations by citing scripture to the devil, at which point the devil left him, angels ministered to Jesus, and He began His ministry. Jesus further said that His disciples should fast “when the bridegroom shall be taken from them”, a reference to his Passion.
  • It is the traditional belief that Jesus lay for 40 hours in the tomb, which led to the 40 hours of total fasting that preceded the Easter celebration in the early Church (the biblical reference to ‘three days in the tomb’ is understood by them as spanning three days, from Friday afternoon to early Sunday morning, rather than three 24-hour periods).

This 40-day journey allows us to cultivate our relationship with God, deepen our understanding of His Word, and receive strength and courage to face the realities of our lives.